Progress Review of Punjab Education Sector Plan and TALEEM. Programme Director, PMIU Muhammad Farooq Rasheed briefed the audience on initiatives of PMIU and steps being taken to bring out of school children back to school. Special Secretary, Ms. Kalsoom Saqib also graced the event with her presence.
The Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training organised and hosted a national conference on diagnosing and addressing the challenges of Early Years Education and Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. The conference had education leaders from all across Pakistan, and the School Education Department played a leading role with representation on 5 panels. It was mutually decided that a national movement needs to start to build foundational education levels and all stakeholders pledged to play their part. Special Secretary, School Education Department, Punjab Ms. Kalsoom Saqib and Programme Director, PMIU Muhammad Farooq Rasheed attended the event.