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The Punjab Human Capital Investment Project (PHCIP) aims to achieve qualitative and quantitative improvements in Punjab’s Human Capital Index (HCI) and related indicators. The development objective of the Project is to increase access to quality healthcare services, Early Childhood Education & Care (ECCE), and economic and social inclusion programmes, among poor and vulnerable households in 11 districts of southern Punjab. As part of its focus on social and economic inclusion, the project is strengthening service delivery of Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) in 3400 public schools of southern Punjab. Under Social Inclusion for Education (SIE), the programme is focusing on improving quality and equity in access to ECCE (Early Childhood Care & Education) facilities for children from age 3 to 5 in 11 target districts which include Muzaffargarh, Bahawalpur, Rajanpur, D.G. Khan, R.Y. Khan, Bhakkar, Mianwali, Bhawalnagar, Lodhran, Layyahh, and Khushab. Through the following Key interventions, PHCIP is contributing to the effective implementation of Punjab ECE Policy 2017.

Key Interventions of Bunyaad:

  1. Initial Baseline Assessment of the existing infrastructure of ECCE classrooms, learning kits, and capacity of ECCE workforce including teachers, caregivers, and education managers.
  2. Strengthening ECCE classrooms through the provision of supplies which includes ECCE kits, age-appropriate furniture, supplementary reading books, art material, and tablets .
  3. Training and capacity building of 900 Assistant Education Officers, 13600 Primary School Teachers, 3400 Head Teachers, 3400 Caregivers and 6800 School Council members.
  4. Developing teaching and learning material to operationalize the ECCE curriculum, following internationally recognized pedagogy standards for Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE).
  5. Establishing and building capacity for a special Foundational Learning Cell in SED to ensure close monitoring, sustainability, and ultimately innovation in early learning interventions.
  6. Social mobilization to raise community’s awareness of Early Childhood Education & Care (ECCE), Child Protection & Safeguarding, Gender Equity, Access to Grievance Redressal Mechanisms, Clean & Green Initiatives .

Key Achievements:

  • 3400 ECCE classrooms have been renovated in 11 target districts of Punjab.
  • ECCE learning kits have been provided in 3400 classrooms; ECCE kits will be replenished with consumable items i.e. stationary before the project conclusion.
  • ECCE Kits have been placed in Learning Corners of ECCE rooms which include Science Corner, Mathematics Corner, Language Corner, Home Corner.
  • Age-appropriate furniture has been provided in 359 schools; the furniture includes tables, chairs, shelves for Learning kits, and Reading corners.
  • 3400 Caregivers have been placed in ECCE rooms, to assist the teacher in taking care of children.
  • The ECCE Kit guide has been developed as a resource to support teachers in adapting and implementing the concept of learning through Play in 3400 ECCE classrooms. The kit guide is available both in English and Urdu.
  • More than 10,000 ECCE teachers and 3400 Caregivers have been trained on ECCE pedagogy through an online platform. A face-to-face learning course will follow the E-certification and will further enhance the theoretical knowledge, quality of teaching practices, and care in the sphere of ECCE.
  • More than 1500 AEOs and Head Teachers have been trained as part of Training of Trainers (TOT) on conducive learning Orientation Sessions.
  • Developed training resources to train field formations of School Education Department (SED), Punjab, and School Council members to enable a sustainable mechanism of Social Mobilization in the milieu of Early Childhood Care & Education.